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The Seminar Center

624 Berkmar Circle
Charlottesville, VA 22901 United States

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December 2024

DreamFlight Aerial Fitness

December 6
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 12:00am on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, repeating indefinitely

The Seminar Center, 624 Berkmar Circle
Charlottesville, VA 22901 United States
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$18 - $20

Dreamflightva.com to register for class, view schedule, get latest news, & complete info on Aerial Fitness. Weds Aerial Yoga 7:15-8:30pm $20 | Friday Aerial Fitness 12pm-1pm $18 | Saturday Aerial Fitness 8:45am-9:45am $18  About DreamFlight is a certified AntiGravity® Fitness Studio. Come re-align your body and Spirit with the tool of gravity that serves to achieve physical and mental decompression in the Christopher Harrison AntiGravity Hammock. Contact www.dreamflightva.com | Lainie can be reached at 804.625.9134 | dreamflightva@gmail.com | Facebook Pricing: Drop In - $18 or $20 |…

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 Weekly Taekwon-do Classes for Adults & Children. See Complete Schedule HERE

CVILLE MOVEMENT FOR THE PEOPLE located at the International Black Belt Center,  CMFTP is a local 501(c)3 which offers traditional martial arts programs to disenfranchised children of the Charlottesville, Virginia area, regardless of ability to pay.  They can apply to take classes for free or at a price within your budget. For more information and see to a complete class schedule,  please visit our website.